Mandy Marquardt Pilates Update – October

Oct 06, 2020

USA Cycling athlete Mandy Marquardt has been working hard since we last had her on the live class with both her cycling and her own customized Pilates training plan.

We spoke with Mandy this week to get an update on her experience with Pilates For Sports so far and how she's tracking with her cycling!



What training plan are you on and for what purpose? Could you give us some background on your cycling and what you need to do to perform at your best?

As a track sprint cyclist, I train six days a week for a total 25-30hrs with my Coach, Andrew Harris, and his program Edge Cycling (based in Allentown, PA). I love my job that includes gym, track sessions, recovery and endurance miles on the road, physical therapy, sports psychology and massage therapy.

A typical day would be gym in the morning and focusing on plyometrics and primary lifts. My favorite lifts are front squats because they are a mix of mobility and strength.

In the afternoon, I’m at the velodrome. My cycling and gym program written by my Coach, Andrew is structured in phases around strength, speed and my competition schedule. It’s important I stay consistent with my training so that I mentally and physically make necessary progression to reach my goals.


How you are finding the Pilates For Sports program? How does it fit in with your regular training and other habits/hobbies?

It’s a great fit! Every morning, I do the Broomstick Series and one day a week, on my off day, I focus on exercises for my tight hips with a variety of videos Noels has programmed and tailored for me. The videos are broken down individually to easily work through all the exercises and take my time. It’s a nice little active recovery day! I enjoy the live sessions and being interactive with the community — so cool to work together even if they are in other continents!


Have you noticed any differences/improvements since beginning the Pilates For Sports program?

I’ve noticed an improvement in my core strength and better thoracic mobility, as well as just overall body awareness when going through the exercises and while riding.


What are your favourite exercises? (e.g. ones that feel best or work you the hardest!)

The magic circle hamstring curl is fun, different and challenging! It’s important to focus on each movement and not to try to muscle it. I do that enough around my training in the gym and on my track bike.


What would you say to anyone considering the Pilates For Sports program.

Go for it! It will be one of the best decisions you’re going to make – you can hold me to it! I’ve been doing pilates on and off since I was 14 and as I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized more and more how important good mobility and core is, especially for the track and the gym. I suffered a muscle strain in my back for some amount of time about a year ago and sometimes, it will come back if I don’t keep up on my mobility and stability exercises. I enjoy having a Pilates routine and program tailored to me, which keeps me mobile, healthy and happy on and off the bike! Plus, it’s fun to mix it up!

Try the Pilates For Sports 7-day free trial now to see how our customised programs can help you!


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