Free 28-Day Challenge

Terms & Conditions

No credit card is required for the free trial.    

You may cancel your account at any time by visiting the PFS account page.  For more details, please see our Terms and Conditions..

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Become A Better Athlete

Welcome to all USA Track & Field athletes, looking to become a better runner, jumper or thrower, with Pilates For Sports. By joining this online challenge our goal for you is to improve both your form, and reduce any pain you have from exercise.


The workouts are only 15 minutes in length and are provided purely online, so they can easily fit into your busy schedule. Plus, we have instructors on hand to answer any questions you may have, so that you can get the most out of the program

Once you have accepted this offer, please go to your inbox and open the email titled "Welcome to Pilates For Sports". 

There are few simple tasks to complete so we can prepare your customized program. These include completing your consultation form and downloading the app.   

Based on the information you provide, we will prepare your customized program and let you know when it is ready. The program will be available online via our mobile app, and the web. 

At any time you have any questions please let us know how we can help by sending a message within the app, or via the "Contact Us" page on our  website.